Technology & Digital Citizenship
Prairie teachers and students use technology throughout each day in the course of teaching and learning. Prairie teachers have created classroom blogs and websites, had Internet penpals on the other side of the world, and have won awards in a Sacramento-area student video competition (SEVAs).
On a given day, Prairie students can be found using Chromebook and PC computers to practice spelling, math, take tests, research topics for reports or to enrich knowledge. Using both the Microsoft Office Suite and Google Apps, students prepare and create essays, slideshow presentations, spreadsheets, graphs, as well as simple computer programs, and art and design projects. Prairie students also learn about Internet safety/digital citizenship and protocol at each grade level using Common Sense Media lessons. The Elk Grove Unified School District also has its own Digital Citizenship Webpage with news and updates.
We are working hard to prepare our students to be outstanding digital citizens and innovative workers in the world of tomorrow.