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Digital Citizenship: The Elk Grove Unified School District’s Digital Citizenship Initiative is an on-going project and commitment. As new technology applications and tools are created, the district expands the curriculum and trainings accordingly. Currently, the district provides digital citizenship curriculum for grades K-12, professional development workshops for staff, and resources for parents. Visit the EGUSD Digital Citizenship Website.
Common Sense Media for Families: Privacy and Internet Safety information for Parents.
Sacramento Public Library: Visit the Sacramento Public Library from the comfort of your home. Find and renew books, request books for different branches, view hours of operation and more.
California Department of Education: To do a search for quality literature for your child to read, go to the recommended reading list search page to do a search by grade level or genre.
U.S. Department of Education: Helping Your Child Learn To Read – Provided by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Includes activities for children from infancy through age 10.
Kids Health – The Nemours Foundation: Kids Health – The Nemours Foundation hosts this site that contains information for families about children’s health.
The Hour of Code-Learn to Code: Learn to Code – These tutorials can be used to introduce your child or yourself to foundational computer programming. Watch the videos here!